The U.S. Prohibition of the MineOne-Acquisition: What would be the treatment under EU and German Foreign Direct Investment Legislation?

Benedikt Sichla

By Benedikt Sichla, Research assistant at Clifford Chance  1. Introduction On May 13, 2024, President Biden issued an order prohibiting for national security reasons the acquisition of real estate and the operation of a cryptocurrency mining facility in close proximity to a U.S. Air Force base. The foreign ownership of the acquirer by nationals of…

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Janus-Faced Competition Policy: For or Against FDI?

CELIS Update on Investment Screening - November 2023

By Sergio Mariotti, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy  Scenario The dark side of globalisation has become visible in recent years, unfolding a series of toxic effects: uneven development among countries and regions of the world; imbalances and instability in the global order; social inequalities among peoples; and economic,…

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FDI Screening Regulation 2.0: Towards Greater Regulatory Convergence?

CELIS Update on Investment Screening - November 2023

By Sophie Bohnert, Vienna University of Economics and Business/College of Europe Background The current Regulation on the Screening of Foreign Direct Investment into the Union (the “FDI Screening Regulation” or the “Regulation”) has sometimes been described as a first step towards a more comprehensive Europeanisation of investment control legislation and possibly even a supranationalisation of…

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CELIS Webinar on the new EU Economic Security Package

The EU Commission's Economic Security Package: Scale Up and Revamp

On February 8, 2024, CELIS will host a lunchtime webinar on the new EU Economic Security Package. Following our last lunchtime webinar on the Xella judgment, this time we will discuss the new EU Economic Security Package with renowned expert. Moderated again by Jonas Fechter and Janosch Wiesenthal, the package will be discussed by Christian…

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The EU Commission’s Economic Security Package: Scale Up and Revamp

The EU Commission's Economic Security Package: Scale Up and Revamp

By Sophie Bohnert, Vienna University of Economics and Business/College of Europe and Kilian Wagner, University of Vienna  Introduction: Long Awaited, Much Longed-For!  Over the past six months, the EC has been gradually releasing bits and pieces of information about possible initiatives to scale up and revamp the EU’s foreign trade and investment policy toolbox, creating…

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Foreign direct investment screening in the EU: time to address weaknesses

Mihails Kozlovs

By Mihails Kozlovs, Member of the European Court of Auditors, Dean of Chamber IV – Regulation of markets and competitive economy Introduction The European Court of Auditors (ECA) in its role as the European Union’s (EU) external auditor audits not only the implementation of the EU budget, but also assesses the economy, effectiveness, and efficiency of…

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The CELIS Institute together with BLOMSTEIN have successfully assisted AmCham Moldova in improving the national Moldovan FDI law and align it with best practises in the EU

The CELIS Institute together with BLOMSTEIN have successfully assisted AmCham Moldova in improving the national Moldovan FDI law and align it with best practises in the EU

Over the past three months, the CELIS Institute has brought together a team of leading FDI experts to assist the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Moldova in improving Moldova’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) screening mechanism. The team supporting this process consisted of Dr Roland M. Stein and Dr Laura Louca from BLOMSTEIN and Professor…

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