Country Note Czech Republic 2023

Country Note Czech Republic 2023

CELIS Country Note on Czech Republic, 2023 by Ondřej Svoboda Date of Publication 31.07.2023 Abstract The Czech Republic introduced its new investment screening mechanism in May 2021 after the Foreign Investments Screening Act coming into force in February 2021. It was the result a consultative process started in 2018 set off by the debate among…

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Country Note Portugal 2023

Country Note Portugal 2023

CELIS Country Note on Portugal, 2023 by Suzana Tavares da Silva and Marta Vicente Date of Publication 27.07.2023 Abstract The 2010 financial crisis was a critical moment in Portugal’s political and legal interaction withforeign investment. Not only it prompted the privatization of most public companies in theutilities sector (electricity post, airports), but it led to…

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Country Note Slovakia 2023

Country Note Slovakia 2023

CELIS Country Note on the Slovak Republic, 2023 by Matej Šimalčík, Central European Institute of Asian Studies, Nechala and Partners Date of Publication 06.07.2023 Abstract This paper highlights the legal, economic, and political background of Slovakia’s foreign direct investment (FDI) screening regime. Slovakia, as a traditionally open economy, has recently introduced measures to screen and potentially ban foreign…

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Country Note Denmark 2023

Country Note Denmark 2023

CELIS Country Note on Denmark, 2023 by Rebecca Vikjær-Andresen (Attorney and partner at Poul Schmith Law Firm) and Hussain Raja Abdullah (Lawyer at the Capital Region of Denmark) Date of Publication 06.07.2023 Abstract Since September 2021, investments in Danish companies have been subject to a new Danish investment screening mechanism. The screening is mandatory for investments of 10…

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