Country Note Azerbaijan 2023

Country Note Poland 2023

CELIS Country Note on Azerbaijan, 2023 by Safar Safarli Date of Publication: 14 August 2023 This Country Note includes an overview of the current FDI regime in the Republic of Azerbaijan by highlighting the existing relevant political background with energy transition as its center goal, respective regulatory framework, and expected reforms. Considering the energy transition,…

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Country Note Poland 2023

Country Note Poland 2023

CELIS Country Note on Poland, 2023 by Maria Kalinowska and Marek Jaśkowski Date of Publication: 14 August 2023 The Note contains basic information on the political background of FDI screening in Poland, the Polish FDI screening mechanism and framework, including protected entities, grounds for issuing objection against a planned investment, and the procedure. A noteworthy…

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Country Note Bulgaria 2023

Country Note Bulgaria 2023

CELIS Country Note on Bulgaria, 2023 by Iliana Boycheva Date of Publication: 14 August 2023 Bulgaria has taken some steps to ensure compliance with the EU’s FDI Regulation. An analysis of the legislation in Bulgaria shows that there are laws that provide for screening-like elements for foreign investments/investors. However, the country is one of the…

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National Interest and Freedom of Establishment: The CJEU’s Judgment in Xella

CELIS Update on Investment Screening – June 2023

By Bálint Kovács In its judgment[1] published on 13 July 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that Hungary’s decision to prohibit an investment by a foreign-owned Hungarian company aiming to acquire a Hungarian company violated the freedom of establishment. The prohibition involved the use of the novel foreign direct investment…

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Country Note China 2023

Country Note China 2023

CELIS Country Note on China, 2023 by Dr Cheng Bian and Mr Charles Ho Wang Mak Date of Publication 31.07.2023 Abstract In recent years much light has been shed on Chinese outbound investment, inter alia its geopolitical, economic and security-related implications in Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific regions. Perhaps less attention has been paid…

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Country Note Czech Republic 2023

Country Note Czech Republic 2023

CELIS Country Note on Czech Republic, 2023 by Ondřej Svoboda Date of Publication 31.07.2023 Abstract The Czech Republic introduced its new investment screening mechanism in May 2021 after the Foreign Investments Screening Act coming into force in February 2021. It was the result a consultative process started in 2018 set off by the debate among…

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Country Note Portugal 2023

Country Note Portugal 2023

CELIS Country Note on Portugal, 2023 by Suzana Tavares da Silva and Marta Vicente Date of Publication 27.07.2023 Abstract The 2010 financial crisis was a critical moment in Portugal’s political and legal interaction withforeign investment. Not only it prompted the privatization of most public companies in theutilities sector (electricity post, airports), but it led to…

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