Christoph Arhold

Christoph Arhold is counsel at the Berlin and Brussels offices of White & Case LLP. His  main practice areas are German and European competition law, including mergers, cartels and-in particular-State aid. He also has substantial experience in other fields of EU and national law with international dimensions such as export control law and more and more importantly FDI control law. He has advised German and international clients in various industries, including glass, chemicals, transport and financial services. He also represented the German Government in cases before the highest national administrative courts and the European Court of Justice (ECJ). He has significant know-how in representing clients in State aid cases before both the European Commission and the EU Courts. He obtained the first ever suspension order in a State aid case before the Community Courts in the landmark TGI case.

Christoph Arhold regularly publishes and speaks on State aid and other EU law topics and is also visiting lecturer for EU State aid law at the Europa-Institut of the University of Saarland. Before joining White & Case, Christoph Arhold worked as an assistant to Prof. Dr. Torsten Stein, University of Saarland (Germany), as an assistant to a member of the European Parliament and in the cabinet of the then judge of the CJEU Prof. Dr. Günter Hirsch.

He is recognized as highly recommended lawyer in the directories JUVE and Handelsblatt in 2020. He serves as CELIS Country Reporter for Germany.