The CELIS Blog: Fueling the Conversation on Economic Security. The CELIS Blog is a unique forum for current debates on international investment control and economic security law and practice more broadly. It brings the latest developments and analysis to you. From economic security (law) experts – to economic security (law) experts.

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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – March 2024

Bulgaria – Amendments to the Bulgarian Investment Promotion Act On 12 March 2024, by virtue of amendments to the Investment Promotion Act, a national legal framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into Bulgaria related to security or public order has been introduced. The amendments to the Investment Promotion Act were published in the State Gazette, issue No. 20 ...
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Strengthening the Biting Effect of EU Restrictive Measures Via Criminal Law – Some Critical Remarks

By Lorenzo Bernardini, University of Luxembourg   This blog post summarizes some insights that are detailed in a forthcoming contribution to issue 1/2024 of the European Criminal Law Review (EuCLR). The author would like to express his heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Iryna Bogdanova for her kind invitation to contribute to the CELIS Blog.    1. EU restrictive measures and their ...
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Investment Screening in the UK under the 2021 National Security and Investment Act

By Agata Daszko, University of Göttingen   In recent years the United Kingdom (UK) has joined many States in updating its legislation concerning scrutiny of national security issues when it comes to investments made in key or sensitive sectors. Indeed, the UK’s approach to investment screening underwent a significant transformation with the introduction of the National Security and Investment Act ...
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The Politization of Trade Defence Instruments

By Victor Crochet and Weihuan Zhou   Trade defence instruments used to be described as dull and technical, of little interest except as a money maker for a handful of trade lawyers in Washington, Brussels and other administrative capitals. There are two main trade defence instruments aimed at protecting Members of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) from unfair trade practices: anti-dumping ...
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The New Significant Investments Review Act of Singapore – Some Insights and Lessons for Europe

By Philipp Reinhold, Saarland University   Singapore is known for a legal framework and public policies which are generally favourable towards foreign investors.[1] The country is one of the most open economies in the world. For 2023 as a whole, net inflows of direct investment rose by S$17.6 billion (around US$13 billion) to S$151 billion (around US$ 112.3 billion).[2] The ...
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – February 2024

Ireland – Draft Guidance and Notification Form on the Irish Screening of Third Country Transactions Act 2023 On 16 February 2024, the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment published the Draft Guidance on the Irish Screening of Third Country Transactions Act 2023, as well as a Draft Notification Form. The regime is expected to enter into force by 30 June ...
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CELIS Announcement: CFIS 24 Save-the-date & More Exciting News

Dear CELIS Community, We would like to share with you some exciting news and updates around the CELIS Institute. The date and venue for CFIS 24 have been confirmed (I.), and in preparation for the conference we are looking for master and PhD students to join the orga team as Conference Sherpas (II.). We are also proud to announce the ...
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The Quest for Policy Coherence between Competition Law and Foreign Investment Screening in the EU: Consistency or Disruption?

By Pietro Chiarelli, European Central Bank Disclaimer: This blog post was prepared by the author in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in the blog post are the author's own and do not reflect the view of the ECB. Introduction Foreign investment and competition are no strangers to one another. While the former is a multiplying factor for the latter ...
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Digital Trade And Investment Screening: Friends Or Foes?

By Murilo Lubambo, University College London Entry of Foreign Investments and Digital Trade  This blog post discusses how investment screening activities by states may have an impact on digital trade. In other words, to what extent does investment screening constitute a restriction that affects the integration of digital trade between countries on a global basis?  For the purposes of this ...
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Austria – The Investment Control “Powerhouse”

By Dr. Regina Kröll and Dr. Johannes Barbist, Binder Grösswang Disclaimer: This post was first published on the Binder Grösswang Law Blog On 25 July 2020, the Austrian Investment Control Act (Investitionskontrollgesetz – ICA) entered into force and started a new era of foreign direct investment (FDI) screening in Austria. This report aims at providing some key data around the ...
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