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CFIUS should steel itself from domestic presidential politics. On Biden’s public intervention on the Nippon Steel-US Steel Acquisition

By Thomas P. Feddo, founder of The Rubicon Advisors LLC and former Assistant Treasury Secretary for Investment Security (2019-2021)   This blogpost elaborates on the opinion piece ‘Biden, CFIUS and the US Steel Acquisition’ authored by Feddo and published on the Wall Street Journal (15 April 2024)   In December 2023, Nippon Steel and US Steel announced their plan to ...
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Corporate Sustainability in the EU and the Obstacle Race to Eliminate Products of Forced Labour: a Pyrrhic Victory?

By Nicola Mongelli, LL.M (University of Antwerp) Introduction On the 23rd of April 2024, the European Parliament (EP), concluded the first reading of the text of the upcoming Regulation prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market. This contribution will comment on the Regulation on Products of Forced Labour (PFL Regulation), addressing some critical points. I will start ...
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Ties that bind: A Transatlantic approach to investment screening and economic security

Washington, D.C., 05.07.2024 – Today, the CELIS Institute, in collaboration with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), hosted a key event, focusing on investment screening and national security issues across the US and EU. This high-level conference, aimed at reinforcing transatlantic economic security ties, brought together government officials, business leaders, and experts from finance, banking, private practice, and academia.  ...
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – April 2024

United Kingdom - Response of the UK Government to the Cabinet Office’s ‘call for evidence’ The UK Government published its response to the Cabinet Office’s ‘call for evidence’ on the National Security and Investment Act 2021 in April 2024. The UK’s new National Security and Investment Act (NSI) came into force on 4 January 2022, introducing new requirements for FDI ...
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UK investment screening: Government confirms commitment to a more pro-investment approach and sets out next steps

By Veronica Roberts and Ruth Allen, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP On 18 April 2024 the UK Government published its response to feedback from stakeholders on the operation of the UK National Security and Investment (NSI) regime since it entered into force in January 2022, gathered via a Call for Evidence issued in November 2023 (see our previous blog post here). During ...
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The EU Economic Security Strategy: a Novel Approach or the Reemergence of an Old Idea?

[This blog post summarizes the following article: A. Lymperopoulos, ‘The EU Economic Security Strategy: a Novel Approach or the Reemergence of an Old Idea?’ (2024) 1 European State Aid Law Quarterly 40.] 1. What is Economic Security? The recent Economic Security Strategy (Strategy) of the European Commission (EC) introduces a new dogma in the trade relations of the EU. The ...
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KlimaSeniorinnen: how did the ECtHR define States’ climate policy obligations?

Charlotte Dierickx-Visschers is a student researcher and LLM student at the University of Antwerp. She mainly focuses on sustainable development, environmental justice and fundamental rights law.  On the 9th of April, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered three long-awaited rulings involving States’ obligations to mitigate climate change. Whereas two cases were declared inadmissible, the Court affirmed a violation ...
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Introducing CELIS Pathway Training and CELIS Institute Membership

Steffen Hindelang, Roland Stein and Andrea Berger Athens   Read in this Blog Post about two of the Institute’s latest projects: (1) We have recently launched the unique CELIS European Investment Screening Pathway Training. This series of courses is specifically designed for professionals who want to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of investment screening in Europe and beyond. The first ...
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The Role of US Investments for EU Technology Sovereignty

Dr Matthias Bauer,  Director at ECIPE and Ms Dyuti Pandya, Junior Analyst at ECIPE   Industry data point to a considerable investment disparity between US and EU digital companies, underscoring the role of US tech investments in the EU's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector and highlighting the mutual interdependence between the two regions. In this piece, we delve into ...
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What Role For Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises After The Presidential Elections?

By Pierfrancesco Mattiolo, University of Antwerp   The Indonesian economy is growing at a rapid pace, following a model that combines free market principles with State planning. During the administration of President Joko Widodo, State-Owned Enterprises have gained even more prominence. How will his successor Prabowo Subianto wield this tool?  Over the next twenty years, Indonesia could become the world's ...
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