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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – May 2022

EU – Commission singles out “hostile investors” As a reaction of the war against Ukraine, for the first time ever, the European Commission has taken the step of singling out two hostile investor countries for Member States to consider in applying foreign direct investment (“FDI”) screening laws. In its communication from 6 April 2022 the Commission advises member states to be ...
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CELIS Briefing Note: Switzerland – Swiss Federal Council initiates consultation on legislation to screen foreign investment

Phil Baumann, CELIS Country Reporter for Switzerland, briefly reports on the initiation of the consultation process on legislation to screen foreign direct investment by the Swiss Federal Council.
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CELIS Briefing Note: Italy – Latest amendments to the Italian golden powers: a significant set of new rules

Andrea Sacco Ginevri, CELIS Country Reporter for Italy, Federico Riganti, CELIS Assistant Country Reporter for Italy, and Linda Lorenzon, CELIS Assistant Country Reporter for Italy, shortly brief us on the latest amendments of the Italian "golden powers" regulations.
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – February 2022

EU - Commission proposes European Chips Act On 8 February 2022, the European Commission published multiple documents relating to the Proposal for a Regulation establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe's semiconductor ecosystem (European Chips Act). Due to their importance in the production of many goods in the technology sector, such as cars or smartphones, semiconductors are increasingly perceived ...
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CELIS Briefing Note: EU – EU merger control limits member states’ FDI screening competence

Wessel Geursen, CELIS Country Reporter for the Netherlands, examines the interaction between national investment screening legislation on the one hand and EU law on the other. He focuses on the possible tension between the EU Merger Regulation (EUMR) and free movement provisions in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – January 2022

Germany - Second Amendment to Ordinance on the Designation of Critical Infrastructures enters into force and will cause more FDI Screening On 1 January 2022, the second amendment to the Ordinance on the Designation of Critical Infrastructures ("BSI-KritisV") entered into force. The amendment constitutes an overhaul of the ordinance, which significantly lowers the thresholds that have to be met in ...
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CELIS Briefing Note: Italy – The new extension of the Italian golden powers A “Never Ending” Story?

Andrea Sacco Ginevri, CELIS Country Reporter for Italy, and Federico Riganti, CELIS Assistant Country Reporter for Italy, shortly brief us on the extension of certain restrictions on FDI in Italy.
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – November/December 2021

UK – Further secondary legislation intended to clarify certain aspects under the National Security and Investment Act published On 16 November 2021, the government published further secondary legislation to clarify certain aspects under the National Security and Investment Act, the latter entering into force on 4 January 2022. The secondary legislation sets out the acquisitions of qualifying entities subject to ...
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – October/November 2021

EU – Launch of consultation platform on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) On 18 October 2021, following the inaugural meeting in September, the European Union and the United States set up an online consultation platform for stakeholders to involve in shaping the transatlantic cooperation under the TTC. The platform will allow stakeholders to share their views and make ...
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – October 2021

Japan – Notification obligation for investments in critical minerals The Ministry of Finance as well as other Ministries confirmed that foreign investors of three new “core business sectors” that plan to invest in critical minerals will be required to file a prior notification from 5 November 2021 under new rules in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. These sectors ...
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